Saturday, March 29, 2008

Kettle Corn from Scratch

I think it was last spring when the obsession with Kettle Corn began. It started with the purchase of a bag of Popcorn Indiana (I blogged about it last week -- check it out). This bag was quickly consumed and followed by bi-weekly purchases of it. One night, it was too late to go buy it, so we decided to make it. OMG it is so EASY to make Kettle Corn! The results are "equally as good" says my husband and "delicious but different," say I. Here's the recipe if you are ever in a pinch and it is too late or you are too lazy to go out and buy it.

  • 1/2 cup of uncooked popcorn kernels
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (I like Turbinado best)
  • 1/2 cup of oil (I like olive oil)
  • Salt
Pour oil into a large pot. Turn burner to medium heat. Add in popcorn kernels and sugar. Cover and shake vigorously for a few seconds, then put pot back on the burner. Popcorn will begin to pop. Continue shaking every 5-7 seconds to coat popcorn with oil and melted sugar. When popping has slowed down (2 to 3 seconds between pops), turn off burner. Remove from heat immediately and pour into large bowl. Add salt to taste.

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